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Risa, a retro-pop girl born in the 21st century, talks about the colorful pop appeal of the 1980s



A circle of friends connected by goo touch! The “FIST BUMP” corner of the radio program “GRAND MARQUEE” features people who live and enjoy Tokyo in a relay format.

On December 6, Risa, a retro pop girl, was introduced by Takara Nakano, a collector of old gadgets. This time, we asked her not only about her own activities such as photography and music expressing the 1980s, but also about the fascination of railroads of the time.

The birth of Retro Pop Girl was triggered by an interest in 1980s music

Celeina (MC): Risa, we are going to talk a lot about you as we follow your profile. 22 years old, born in 2001, you said that you fell in love with the subcultures of the late 1970s and early 1980s after your mother played a song for you when you were 17 years old. Is there a song that triggered your love of subcultures from the late 1970s to the early 1980s?

Risa: The song that started it all was “TECHNOPOLIS” by Yellow Magic Orchestra.

Celeina:When your mother played “TECHNOPOLIS”, did you think, “What is this?”

Risa:Yes, I did. It was a song with no lyrics, but I found the music of the 1980s interesting because of the richness of its content, which kept me listening until the end of the song.

Celeina:So you like the culture of the late 1970s and 1980s, and you are a really retro-pop girl in your outfit today.

Risa:Thank you very much.

Celeina:You are wearing your hair curly today.

Risa: This hairstyle was inspired by Mariya Takeuchi’s hairstyle in the late 1970s.

Celeina: It’s cute. Very curly.

Takano (MC): I feel like I’ve come back in time.

Risa: I’m so happy. Thank you very much.



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NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.