Contributors who create NiEW together.

After serving on the editorial board of “Cahiers du Cinema Japon”, he established the label “boid” in 1998 to produce and sell videos, books, CDs, etc. Since 2004, he has planned and screened a series of Bakunon (explosive sound) screenings using a live sound system for music at the Baus Theater in Kichijoji, Tokyo. In 2020, he launched a new label, “Voice Of Ghost. He is the author of “Eiga wa Bakudo de Whispering” (boid) and “Eiga to Rock ‘n’ Roll ni okeru Amerika to US to Tenka wa Kattaruka” (How America and the United States Fought in Eiga and Rock 'n' Roll) (Seidosha). His latest book, “Sorekara kara kara no other world: Fantasy Film Diary 2021-2023” (boid) will be published on December 25, 2012. BAUS,” a film he produced and directed by Motosora Boki, is scheduled to open in theaters nationwide on March 21, 2025.

Yoko Yamanaka
Born in 1997 in Nagano, Japan, he shot / directed his first film “Amiko” (2017) at the age of 19, which won the Audience Award at the “PFF Awards 2017”. The film was invited to the Forum section of the 68th Berlin International Film Festival in 2018 as the youngest ever, and was also screened at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, Canada's Fantasia Film Festival, and other festivals in various countries, creating a buzz. Her film “The Namibian Desert” (2024) won the FIPRESCI Prize at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival, making her the youngest female director ever to receive the award.

Yuzu Aoki
2001年2月4日生まれ。神奈川県出身。ダブル主演を務めた『うみべの女の子』で、毎日映画コンクールスポニチグランプリ新人賞にノミネート。2021年公開の米映画『MINAMATA−ミナマター』ではジョニー・デップと共演。以降も、NHK連続テレビ小説『カムカムエヴリバディ』、amazon prime『モアザンワーズ』、NTV『最高の教師』などに出演し、その繊細な演技が話題に。映画『はだかのゆめ』『なぎさ』『神回』『まなみ100%』『飛べない天使』など主演作も多く、今後も公開作が控えている。

Born in Tokyo, Japan. After living as an office worker for 5 years, she became a photographer in 2016. In addition to advertising, she has worked extensively on the web and in magazines.

毎クール必ず25本以上は視聴するドラマウォッチャー。『文春オンライン』『 Real Sound』『映画ナタリー』などでドラマに関する記事を寄稿。

Film writer who writes for the web media "All About News", "Netorabo", "CINEMAS+", "Joshi SPA!", "Magmix", etc. Her all-time best movie is "Let Me Hear You Sing Ai".

Nayuta Osanai
Film and foreign drama writer. An "independent theatergoer" working as a playwright, director, and actor in the small theater scene in Tokyo. He continues to watch mainly American movies and TV series.

Fujiwara Nao

1983年、神奈川県生まれ。ライター・文筆家。大学卒業後、編集プロダクション勤務を経て、2011年からフリー。「FRaU web」「プレジデントオンライン」「週刊女性PRIME」「Pen online」など数々のWebメディアでテレビドラマ評やインタビュー記事を執筆。近年は「現代ビジネス」「yoi」などで男性学・ジェンダー論の観点から対談やコラムを書くことも。「GINZA」(マガジンハウス)にタレント評「●●になりたいの」連載中。

Genjyuro Yagyu
Born on July 27, 1976. Born in Hyogo Prefecture. He started “Shabenjazu”, a talk event for fans to talk with each other in 2014, and still holds the event at the end of every month. He is also active on YouTube, where he provides commentary on the original works of American comic book characters, as well as movie predictions, impressions, and thoughts. He is also a cat lover.

Kana Tarumi
Portrait photography for various media, artist photos for musicians, live performances, and jackets. and jackets for musicians.

Cosmo Yamaguchi
Born in 1986.
Graduated from Tokyo Polytechnic University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Photography in 2010. After working as a company employee and an assistant, he started his freelance career. He has been shooting not only in Japan but also in Taiwan, Korea, and other countries. Fashion and portrait photography, In recent years, he has also been shooting video, such as music videos.
HP :
Instagram : @cosmoyamaguchi
NiEW recommends alternative music🆕
NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.