In 2024, Ryusuke Hamaguchi released his latest film ‘Evil Does Not Exist,’ a work hailed by critics across the board. The story revolves around a Tokyo modeling agency aiming to build a glamping facility in a rural area they have no ties to, solely to cash in on government subsidies. It’s a sharp and timely commentary, eerily close to real-life scenarios. In a world full of hollow, opportunistic ventures, I find myself longing for products with true meaning and depth.
Enter Dyson’s newest release: the Dyson OnTrac™ Headphones. A product that embodies this very notion of substance, Dyson’s transition from vacuums, hair dryers, and fans into the world of audio feels like a natural evolution. While the connection between headphones and vacuums might not be immediately obvious, it all comes down to one crucial element: noise-canceling.
Dyson chose Japan to debut the Dyson OnTrac™ Headphones before anywhere else. At the exclusive launch party on September 19, Licaxxx delivered a performance using the OnTrac™. The event also featured appearances by Yaffle, PORIN (Awesome City Club), Salasa, and MANA and KANA (formerly of CHAI). Here’s a glimpse into the vibrant atmosphere of the night.
Top Features That Have Artists Praising Dyson OnTrac™
In 2023, Dyson introduced their first air-purifying headphones, the Dyson Zone™, and now the Dyson OnTrac™ headphones mark their second model. Some may remember the sci-fi-inspired design of the previous headphones, with their cyborg-like arm extending from the ear cups to cover the mouth area.
First, let’s explore the key features of the Dyson OnTrac™ headphones. They offer top-tier noise-canceling capabilities, powered by an advanced Active Noise Canceling (ANC) system. Impressively, they can reproduce frequencies ranging from 6Hz to 21kHz, surpassing the standard audible range. This ensures precise reproduction of everything from deep sub-bass to crisp high notes. The speakers are also angled 13 degrees toward the ears for a more direct sound delivery. I had the opportunity to test them at the event, and I was genuinely impressed by the clarity of the sound. Unlike many headphones from non-audio brands that tend to exaggerate the bass and treble, these offered a balanced, enjoyable listening experience.
The Dyson OnTrac™ headphones boast an impressive battery life of up to 55 hours, allowing for nearly two weeks of playback even with active noise canceling turned on. This is a welcome feature for users juggling multiple devices that require charging. Moreover, all headphone controls and sound customizations can be managed through the MyDyson™ app, which consolidates all your Dyson products in one convenient platform. The app lets you adjust equalizer settings, noise-canceling options, and even monitors the volume around you in real time, alerting you when sounds reach levels that could be harmful to your ears.
Musician Aoi Mizuno remarked, “While the noise canceling is certainly noteworthy, I was really impressed by how user-friendly the app appears. I appreciate how naturally it reproduces sound without the equalizer. The ambient sound capture feels very organic, so I’m excited to incorporate these headphones into my daily routine.”
Artist maco marets commented, “Since I typically use earbuds, I thought headphones would feel bulky. However, the Dyson OnTrac™ headphones are surprisingly lightweight and incredibly comfortable, providing a natural sound that highlights the beauty of the original tracks. I expected the heavier design to produce a powerful bass, but that wasn’t the case; I genuinely appreciate the elegant sound quality they deliver.”