Muni’s stage productions “Tsukanoma no Michi” and “Aka to Kiiro no Yume” will be performed at Atelier Shunpusha in Kotakemukaihara, Tokyo, from March 9 (Sat) to 17 (Sun).
Muni has been under the two-writer team of Yuumi Kurosawa and Rena Miyazaki since 2024. This will be the first performance by Muni under the new management, and will consist of two pieces: a recreation of “Tsukanoma no Michi” by Reina Miyazaki and a new piece “Aka to Kiiro no Yume” by Yumi Kurosawa.
“Tsukanoma no Michi” is a “city dweller’s adventure” in which the places where one is now overlap with the places where one once was. In “Aka to Kiiro no Yume” Yukiko knits in a room left alone because of Corona.
Ai Ishiwata (Seinendan), Yukiko Kizaki (Seinendan), Yoko Tachikura (Seinendan / NashiNasu), Moe Harimori (Seinendan), Yamato Fujiie, Yagi Yoshita, and Minori Watanabe appear in “Tsukanoma no Michi” Taku Ito (Seinendan), Huuko Nishi (Seinendan), and Manami Watanabe will appear in “Aka to Kiiro no Yume”.
For the performance schedule and tickets, check the special page for the performance.