The animated film “Trapezium” will be released on Friday, May 10, 2024.
The film is based on the novel of the same title by Kazumi Takayama, a former Nogizaka 46. It is a coming-of-age story depicting 10 years in the life of Yuu Higashi, who has imposed four rules on herself in high school to “definitely become an idol,” and pursues her dream by joining “shining stars” from the east, west, south, and north who attend different high schools. Takayama, who made his debut as a novelist with this film, was also involved in the scenario creation for the movie. Takayama’s text and video commentary were released in conjunction with the release of the information.
I am filled with various feelings of happiness, embarrassment, and anxiety that something I had in my head has developed into a movie. Although the novel and the animation production were completely different and difficult, I was involved in the production for a long period of time with the help of the staff. I am very much looking forward to finally seeing the film in theaters on May 10, 2024 (Friday).
Kazumi Takayama
Yu Higashi will be played by Asaki Yukawa, who plays the main character Tokiyuki Hojo in the anime “Wakakun the Runaway” and the girl Mutsumi Sugimoto in “Tonari no Yokai-san”, both of which will be broadcast from April 2024. The theme song is sung by MAISONdes, a music project that changes the “singer” and “creator” for each song based on the concept of “a song for the residents of each room in a six-and-a-half-mat apartment somewhere”. The animation production is based on the works of “BOTCHI ZA ROCK! and “SPY x FAMILY”.
Along with the release of the information, a teaser poster and a special trailer were also unveiled. The poster visual shows Yu Higashi in tears with the catch copy “I can’t become an idol by myself. In addition, a sample of the theme song by MAISONdes can be heard in the special trailer, and the sound of rain is used to impressively depict the anguish of Yuu Azuma in her pursuit of becoming an idol.