Five Nights at Freddy’s,” a new film from Blumhouse Productions, producers of horror films such as “M3GAN,” “The Black Phone,” and “The Invisible Man,” will be released nationwide on February 9, 2024 (Friday). A special trailer and scene photos have been released.
Set in an abandoned pizza restaurant, the film depicts five days of terror experienced by the protagonist, a night security guard, and is an adaptation of the horror game of the same name created by Scott Carson and known around the world under the abbreviation FNAF. The film is directed by Emma Tami, whose “The Wind” was highly acclaimed by horror film fans, and the animatronic mascots, which are important characters, were created by Jim Henson Creature Shop, a creator group that has also produced “Sesame Street” and other films. Josh Hutcherson of “The Hunger Games” series plays the main character, Mike.
The special feature film shows the sleeping mechanical mascots awakening from their slumber with a disturbing voiceover: “As the night wears on, our mascots may harm you.