A grand new chapter is unfolding in the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe as Deadpool and Wolverine, two of Marvel’s most legendary heroes, finally join the fray. Why is this crossover happening now, and why these two? Dive into the details with comic book aficionado Yagyu Genjuro, the host of the talk show “Shabenjazu.”
Multiverse vs. Deadpool
The whole world has been waiting to see the new ‘Deadpool’ movie on screen for the first time in six years, since 2018. On March 20, 2019, 20th Century FOX was acquired by Disney, completely closing the gate leading to the world of the X-Men, but opening another door. This is all part of the “Multiverse Saga,” the ongoing theme of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
The multiverse is a multiverse, or parallel universe, a concept in which the same beings, or identical individuals with different characteristics, exist in many different worlds. Using this concept, it is possible for a character who has lost his or her life in one world to be resurrected from another world, and there has been much discussion among fans about the possibility that “anything is possible.
However, there are characters in the Marvel Universe who can make the most of this “anything goes. That character is the protagonist of this film, Wade Wilson, code name Deadpool. Why is he able to take advantage of “anything goes”? The reason lies in his deviant abilities.