The story of Ayako Koshino, a pioneering Japanese fashion designer, will be made into a movie in 2025, tentatively titled “The Life of Ayako Koshino.
Ayako Koshino was the mother of three fashion designer sisters, Hiroko Koshino, Junko Koshino, and Michiko Koshino, and remained active until her death in 2006 at the age of 92. Her life was dramatized for television in 2011 as the model for NHK’s television series “Carnation,” but this is the first time it has been made into a film.
The film will be directed by Jiro Enomoto, whose “Beyond the Smile” won the Grand Prix at the 2018 Monaco International Film Festival, and written by Tetsuhiro Ikeda, whose credits include the Toho/Hakataza stage play “Boufu Manzai” and TV Tokyo’s “Kichijoji Loosers.”
On Wednesday, October 11, a press conference was held at Nakanoshima Love Central in Osaka to announce the film adaptation, with Hiroko Koshino, Junko Koshino, and Michiko Koshino all on stage. At the press conference, Hiroko Koshino expressed her joy by saying, “I’m so happy to see my mother again,” and Junko Koshino expressed her expectations for the film by saying, “Your mother’s power is amazing! Junko Koshino said, “Your mother’s power is amazing! Koshino also expressed her enthusiasm and goals for the film, saying, “With this film, I will ask my mother to participate in the Cannes Film Festival! Koshino also expressed her enthusiasm and goals for the film, saying, “With this film, I will have my mother participate in the Cannes Film Festival!