brkfstblend, a new band consisting of Michael Kaneko, Keity (ex-LUCKY TAPES), and Tetsuji Kasuya (ex-Yogee New Waves), has released their first song “Cannonball” on YouTube.
The band was formed when Kasuya and Keity invited Michael Kaneko to join as a vocalist. brkfstblend played their first show in Fukuoka on Sunday, August 20, with TAIHEI (Sai / Suchmos), KenT (Soulflex), and Lil Summer as supporting members. On October 13 (Fri.), the band will be performing at TOKUZO Imaike in Nagoya, Aichi, opposite Super Mountaineering Club.
The live show is titled “2023 Mountaineering Journey Vol. 2” and reservations are now being accepted at Imaike TOKUZO.