Formed in 2004. The three members are Shohei Takagi, Yu Arauchi, and Tsubasa Hashimoto, who have released four albums. Each of the three composes, arranges, and produces their own music, and they also conduct live performances and music production with supporting members. The band is a Tokyo band that combines musical pleasure and storytelling skill, and their future releases and live performances are always in the spotlight.
How cero Transforms Music Through Live Shows: A Dive into “Live O Rec”
Why release a live album now? Explore cero’s new direction beyond traditional constraints.
Tokyo-based band cero’s Shohei Takagi looks back on their five years
NiEW recommends alternative music🆕
NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.