A circle of friends connected by gootouchi! The “FIST BUMP” corner of the radio program “GRAND MARQUEE” features people who live and enjoy Tokyo in a relay format.
On November 1, illustrator Man Doope Suzuki introduces model Sakura Yokose. We asked her about how she became a model, how she got into her hobby of horse racing, and her favorite chocolate.
A favorite artist’s live show inspired me to become a model.
Celeina (MC): First of all, let me introduce your profile. Koymyo was born in 1995 and hails from Osaka. With her fashionable, neutral face, style, and unpretentious personality, she has been selected as a model in various genres and has appeared in many music videos and TV commercials. She enjoys karaoke, yoga, visiting coffee shops, horse racing, manga, anime, chocolate, and horoscopes, and is a certified personal colorist, skeletal structure diagnosis advisor, chocolate expert, and aromatherapy expert.
Takano (MC): By the way, do you have a bass guitar certification? I don’t know if there is one (haha).
Yokose: I don’t have a a bass guitar certification.
Celeina: First of all, I would like to ask you how you became a model.
Yokose: I really liked bands, and I started modeling at a beauty salon after a hairdresser approached me on the way home from a concert of an artist I liked at the time. From there, I started working as a fashion model, moved from Osaka to Tokyo, and am currently working as a freelancer.
Celeina:Have you been doing freelance work for a long time?
Yokose: Yes, that’s right.
Celeina:We are also doing this work in a similar way to freelancing, so we are colleagues.
Takano: I would like to ask you about your freelance activities, but I like the fact that you became a model because of music.
I got into horse racing from the “Uma Musume” anime.
Celeina: I’m really curious about your many hobbies and qualifications. What got you hooked on horse racing?
Yokose: At first, I was really into the “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” anime, and I wanted to watch real horse races as well. There are actual horses that are used as models for “Uma Musume”, and I started watching their races, and I got hooked because real horses are beautiful and cool too.
Takano: Do you have your own way of enjoying horse racing?
Yokose: I think people have the impression that horse racing is hard to get into because of the strong image of gambling, but rather than gambling, you can trace the horses’ pedigree and history, and the horses themselves are beautiful to begin with, so I really enjoy just looking at them.
Celeina:I see. I have ridden horses before.
Takano: That’s unusual too, isn’t it?
Celeina:Is it? I like to interact with horses, but I have never seen a racehorse before, so I am very interested.
Yokose: With racehorses, the way the muscles are built is completely different, so I think it would be interesting to see them with that in mind.
Takano: Do you have a favorite horse?
Yokose: I haven’t decided on my favorite horse yet. However, I think the horse Equinox is indispensable when talking about this year’s horse races.
Horoscope for the two MCs
Celeina: We have been talking about horse racing, and you said that you are most into horoscopes right now. Once again, what kind of horoscope is the kind of fortune telling?
Yokose: It’s easy to understand if you think of it as a more detailed version of the horoscope that you see on morning shows, etc. You look at your fortune by the position of the stars. The positions of the planets are different depending on the place and time of a person’s birth, and by putting them together, we can determine a variety of things, such as a person’s natural qualities, sense of style, and points at which he or she relaxes.
Celeina: I’m curious. Do you teach your horoscope to others?
Yokose: I’m still just an apprentice, so I’m in the process of learning from my friends’ horoscopes.
Takano: I’d like you to give it a try.
Yokose: I heard about you two beforehand and have been researching.
Celeina: I would like to hear! Thank you very much. Let’s start with you, Mr. Takano.
Yokose: There is a sun sign that refers to who you are as seen by others and by yourself, and Mr.Takano’s sun sign is Virgo. Celeina’s sun sign is Pisces. Many Virgos can be seen to be perfectionists and to be devoted to others.
There is also a moon sign, which is not how people see you, but how you are in your unconscious state. Takano-san’s moon sign is Aries, and stress disappears when you are fulfilling your mission, working, or attracting attention.
Takano: Maybe I am suited for this job.
Yokose: Celeina, your moon sign is Libra, and you heal best when you are with family, close friends, and people with whom you have a deep emotional connection, and when you feel that you have a good relationship with them.
Takano: Thank you very much. I really would like to ask you more about this story, but let’s interrupt for a song here. I asked Ms. Yokose to choose a song that he would like everyone to listen to together on the radio at this time. What song would it be?
Yokose: I chose a song by my favorite band, “Kesshin” by SUPER BEAVER.