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DEAN FUJIOKA × SKY-HI × Morley Robertson




DEAN FUJIOKA has released his first best album, “Stars of the Lid.” Inspired by the Möbius strip, which links the beauty of fiction and the sharpness of truth, this album wraps DEAN FUJIOKA’s career as a musician while looking ahead to the future.

Space Shower TV aired a special program to dive into DEAN FUJIOKA’s musical journey and true face, featuring a trilogy discussion with musician and commentator Morley Robertson, DEAN’s lifetime hero, and rapper and producer SKY-HI, one of DEAN’s close friends since he began his career in Japan.

The article also includes thematic talks such as “turning points in my life” and “the most embarrassing thing in life.” It delves into DEAN FUJIOKA’s artistic nature as he awaits his Nippon Budokan debut.

From left to right: Morley Robertson, DEAN FUJIOKA, SKY-HI. The program is now available on Space Shower On-Demand.

DEAN FUJIOKA’s close friends Morley Robertson and SKY-HI

DEAN: When I was invited to a Japanese TV show for the first time, which I think was MTV, SKY-HI’s show aired right after mine. That was how I recognized him. Soon after, I saw SKY-HI at a club event in Shibuya and spoke to him. Although it was a small club, his presence stood out among the crowds. We’ve stayed in contact ever since. Until recently, I have been overseas for a long time, but we had dinner together just before I left.

SKY-HI: It was shocking (laughs).

DEAN: We talked a lot about things we can’t share today.

SKY-HI: Morley is wincing (laughs).

Morley: Well, there’s nothing we can say on TV (laughs).

DEAN: I’m one of the enthusiastic “Morley followers,” and I’ve seen a lot of Morley’s content that might not fit in current society. I don’t know how much I’ve contributed to him (laughs).

Morley: I feel like, “What on earth have I done?”

Everyone: (laughs).

Morley: Now and then, I tend to forget my past and move forward. When people refer to something I did a few years ago, I’m like, “Did I really say that?” I’m just trying to move on.

DEAN: It’s like painting over a lot of information.

Morley: That’s right! We are now shifting into the “good guy” phase (laughs).

DEAN’s first best album “Stars of the Lid”

DEAN: When you look up at the starry sky, there are many constellations, each with its own story. It would be perfect for my best album, as it has the lyrics and stories of each song, including new ones, scattered throughout.

DEAN: The album production started with the idea of the Ptolemaic theory instead of the Heliocentrism. Just as there were people in the past who believed fiction to be truth, fictional stories have their romance and beauty. Some people spent their lives for their truth while others pursued the real truth. And truths had such significant influence, sharpness, and severity enough for people to lose their lives.

As an artist, my role is to create fictional entertainment to take part in society. I aimed to bring them together for the best album and Budokan artwork to embody the beauty of fiction and the sharpness of truth connected like a Möbius strip.

DEAN FUJIOKA’s artist photos also utilize the artwork from “Stars of the Lid.”

DEAN: I couldn’t choose all the songs to put into the best album as some songs were fans’ requests, which made me realize there were some unexpected bindings. But it felt like the bindings were like a puzzle. Even with the constraints, if I could write new songs to make up for the missing parts, it would be possible to keep the Möbius strip concept.



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