A comedy duo belonging to Yoshimoto Kogyo, consisting of Ishikawa (born June 18, 1994, Kyoto Prefecture) and Takeshi Azuma (born October 21, 1994, Kyoto Prefecture). They were high school classmates who entered NSC Osaka as 37th graders and formed the duo, which began regular appearances on “Midnight Honey” (Fuji Television) in April 2023, and graduated from the Osaka Yoshimoto Manzai Theater in March 2024, moving their base of activities to Tokyo. Currently based at the Jimbocho Yoshimoto Manzai Theater.
NiEW recommends alternative music🆕
NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.