Yurakucho Hosts the Futuristic “Electromagnetic Cyber Bon Odori” with Electrons Fantasticos
The event “Electromagnetic Cyber Bon Odori in SusHi Tech Square,” organized by Electronics Fantasticos!, will be held on Sunday, August 25, at SusHi Tech Square in Yurakucho, Tokyo.
Electronics Fantasticos! is a participatory art project that revives old electronic appliances into new musical instruments, gradually forming an orchestra through performances held across Japan. At this event, in addition to Electronics Fantasticos!, performers include Yūichi Kishino, Cyber Okan, DJ Robotics, and Nyantoko, all of whom will present performances themed around “Electromagnetic Bon Odori.”
Admission is free, and applications are open until Saturday, August 24, with a limit of 200 participants on a first-come, first-served basis.
Electromagnetic Cyber Bon Odori in SusHi Tech Square
Chochin Lighting Direction: Dai Bon Odori Kai (DAIBON)
Electromagnetic Bon Odori
Drawn by the nostalgic festival music played by old electronic devices, you find yourself arriving at a Bon Odori venue. This modern interpretation of Bon Odori, originally a ritual to honor the dead, has been expanded to celebrate the modern, indispensable element of “electricity” alongside the traditional elements of fire, water, earth, and wind. This is what we call “Electromagnetic Bon Odori,” and it is being held in various locations.
By integrating contemporary technology with the historic Japanese folk art of Bon Odori, a space-time where electricity, magnetism, and humans interact emerges, characterized by indigenous rhythms and vibrant dances.
NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.