The film “Chibi Maruko-chan: Watashi no Sukina Uta” will be screened in 35mm film at Eurospace in Shibuya, Tokyo, from August 11 (Fri., holiday) to 17 (Thu.).
The film was first shown in theaters in 1992 and released on VHS and laserdisc in 1993, but was discontinued and became a “phantom” for a long time. However, in 2022, in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of its theatrical release, it was released on Blu-ray and rental DVD, and is now also available on Netflix.
The screenplay was written by Momoko Sakura, who conveys the sadness of parting due to war through the heartwarming interaction between Maruko and her painter sister, the happy everyday life of her classmates and family, and the song “Menkoi Kouma”.
The film will be screened at 3:30 p.m. every day, and tickets with seat assignments will be available at the official Eurospace website and at the theater reception desk from three days prior to the screening date.
【The manager of Eurospace, Makoto Hojo, who organized the screening, commented.】
This summer, “Chibi Maruko-chan: Watashi no Sukina Uta” will be revived in 35 mm film, the same format as when it was released 31 years ago. The psychedelic, surreal, schizophrenic, and down-to-earth animation of songs by Eiichi Otaki, Shizuko Kasasaki, and others will be brought to life on the silver screen. Who would have thought it possible? This is a super nice cartoon film that is perfect for watching during the Bon Festival!