Comedy duo from Watanabe Entertainment, consisting of KUROSAWA, born July 12, 1993 in Saitama Prefecture, and UCHIDASUPER HATAMIN, born March 28, 2000 in Hiroshima Prefecture. They are regular performers on “Late Night Honey” (Fuji Television). Uchida Spesharu Hatamin is active not only in live performances but also in various other activities, such as being selected as a candidate for the U-29 New Member Discovery Project for “Sekai no Hatto to Itte Q!
NiEW recommends alternative music🆕
NiEW Best Music is a playlist featuring artists leading the music scene and offering alternative styles in our rapidly evolving society. Hailing from Tokyo, the NiEW editorial team proudly curates outstanding music that transcends size, genre, and nationality.